5 August

AT Rome, on Mount Esquiline, the dedication of the church of St. Mary of the Snows.—Also at Rome, during the persecution of Diocletian, the martyrdom of twenty-three holy martyrs, who were beheaded on the Salarian road, and buried at the foot of Cucumer hill.—At Augsburg, the birthday of St. Afra, martyr. After being converted from Paganism by the instructions of bishop St. Narcissus, and being baptized with all her household, she was delivered to the flames for the confession of Christ.—At Ascoli, in the Marches, St. Emygdius, bishop and martyr, who was consecrated bishop by pope St. Marcellus, and sent thither to preach the Gospel. He received the crown of martyrdom for the confession of Christ, under the emperor Diocletian.—At Antioch, St. Eusignius, a soldier, who at the age of one hundred and ten years, because he. reproached Julian the Apostate for forsaking the faith of Constantine the Great, under whom he had served, and for having degenerated from his ancestors' piety, was decapitated by his command. —Also, the holy martyrs Cantidius, Cantidian, and Sobel, Egyptians.—At Chalons, in France, St. Memmius, a Roman citizen, who, being consecrated bishop of that city by St. Peter, brought to the truth of the Gospel the people committed to his care.—At Autun, blessed Cassian, bishop.—At Teano, St. Paris, bishop.—In England, St. Oswald, king, whose life is related by Venerable Bede.— The same day, St. Nonna, mother of blessed Gregory Nazianzen.

And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors and holy virgins.

Thanks be to God.

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