11 November
AT Tours, in France, the birthday of blessed Martin, bishop and confessor, whose life was so renowned for miracles that he received the power to raise three persons from the dead.—At Cotyaeum, in Phrygia, during the persecution of Diocletian, the celebrated martyrdom of St. Mennas, Egyptian soldier, who cast off the military belt and obtained the grace of serving the King of heaven secretly in the desert. Afterwards coming out publicly, and freely declaring himself a Christian, he was first subjected to dire torments ; and finally kneeling in prayer, and giving thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, he was struck with the sword. After his death, he was renowned for many miracles.—At Ravenna, the holy martyrs Valentine, Felician and Victorinus, who were crowned in the persecution of Diocletian.—In Mesopotamia, St. Athenodorus, martyr, who was subjected to fire and other torments under the same Diocletian and the governor Eleusius. He was at length sentenced to capital punishment, but the executioner having fallen down and no other person daring to strike him with the sword, he passed to his repose in the Lord whilst praying.—At Lyons, St. Veranus, bishop, whose life was illustrated by his faith and other virtues.—In the monastery of Crypta-Ferrata, near Frascati, the holy abbot, Bartholomew, companion of blessed Nilus, whose life he wrote.—In the province of Abruzzo, blessed Mennas, solitary, whose virtues and miracles are mentioned by pope St. Gregory.
And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors and holy virgins.
Thanks be to God.