6 July

THE Octave of the holy apostles Peter and Paul.—In Judea, the holy prophet Isaias. In the reign of king Manasses he was put to death by being sawed in two and was buried beneath the oak Rogel, near a running stream.—At Rome, the birthday of St. Tranquillinus, martyr, father of the Saints Mark and Marcellian, who were converted to Christ by the preaching of the martyr St. Sebastian. Baptized by the blessed priest Polycarp, he was ordained priest by pope St. Caius. He was arrested while praying at the tomb of blessed Paul on the Octave of the Apostles, and stoned to death by the Pagans, and thus consummated his martyrdom.—At Fiesoli, in Tuscany, St. Romulus, bishop and martyr, disciple of the blessed apostle Peter, who commissioned him to preach the Gospel. After announcing Christ in many parts of Italy, he returned to Fiesoli, and was crowned with martyrdom with other Christians in the reign of Domitian.—In Campania, St. Dominica, virgin and martyr, in the time of the emperor Diocletian. For having destroyed idols, she was condemned to the beasts, but being uninjured by them, she was beheaded and departed for heaven. Her body is kept with great veneration at Tropea, in Calabria.—The same day, St. Lucia, martyr, a native of Campania. Being arrested and severely tortured by the lieutenant-governor Rictiovarus, she converted him to Christ. To them were added Antoninus, Severinus, Diodorus, Dion, and seventeen others, who shared their sufferings and their crowns. —In the vicinity of Treves, St. Goar, priest and confessor.

And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors and holy virgins.

Thanks be to God.

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