19 May

THE birthday of St. Peter of Moroni, who, while leading the life of an anchoret, was created Sovereign Pontiff and called Celestin V. Having abdicated the pontificate, he led a religious life in solitude, where, renowned for virtues and miracles, he went to God.—At Rome, the saintly virgin Pudentiana, who, after numberless tribulations, after burying with great respect many martyrs, and distributing all her goods to the poor for Christ’s sake, departed from this world to go to heaven.—In the same city, St. Pudens, senator, father of the virgin just mentioned, who, being clothed with Christ in baptism by the apostles, preserved unspotted the robe of innocence until he received the crown of life.—Also, at Rome, on the Appian road, the birthday of the Saints Calocerus and Parthenius,eunuchs. The former was chamberlain to the wife of the emperor Decius, and the latter chief officer in another department. For refusing to offer sacrifice to idols, they were put to death.—At Nicomedia, the martyr St. Philoterus, son of the proconsul Pacian, who after much suffering under the emperor Diocletian, received the crown of martyrdom.—In the same city six holy virgins and martyrs. The principal one, named Cyriaca, having freely reproved Maximian for his impiety, was most severely scourged and lacerated, and then consumed with fire.—At Canterbury, St. Dunstan, bishop.—In Bretagne, St. Ives, priest and confessor, who, for the love of Christ, defended the interests of orphans, widows, and the poor.

And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors and holy virgins.

Thanks be to God.

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