13 May

AT Rome, in the time of the emperor Phocas, the dedication of the church of St. Mary of the Martyrs, formerly a temple of all the gods, called Pantheon, which was purified and dedicated by the blessed pope Boniface IV. to the honor of the blessed Mary ever Virgin, and of all the martyrs.—At Constantinople, under the emperor Diocletian and the proconsul Laudicius, the blessed Lucius, a priest and martyr, who first at Amphipolis endured many tribulations and torments for the confession of Christ, and then being led to Byzantium, suffered capital punishment.—At Heraclea, the martyr St. Glyceria, a native of Rome, who suffered under the emperor Antoninus and the governor Sabinus.—At Alexandria, the commemoration of many holy martyrs, who were killed by the Arians for the Catholic faith in the church of St. Theonas.—At Maestricht, St. Servatius, bishop of Tongres, whose grave, as a public sign of his merit, was free from snow during winter (though everything around was covered with it), until the inhabitants built a church over it.—In Palestine, St. John the Silent.—At Valladolid, St. Peter Regalati, confessor, of the Order of Minorites, restorer of regular discipline in the monasteries of Spain. He was numbered among the Saints by the Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV.

And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors and holy virgins.

Thanks be to God.

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