Some versions of the Divine Office involved reciting a list of the saints to be commemorated. The one I am familiar with asks for tomorrows saints to be remembered at Prime, the first hour of the day, roughly 6am.
There are scanned in versions of the Roman Martyrology in the Internet Archive, but I thought it would be handy to have a javascript version that pulled in the listing for the day's saint automatically.
There are other Saint of the Day webpages which are awesome - especially http://saints.sqpn.com/today-on-the-calendar/ - but not so easy to read out as the Martyrology books which are specially made for that purpose.
I am endeavouring to keep ahead of the current day as we go through the year. I'm using OCR on https://archive.org/details/romanmartyrology00cathuoft which I have also set up as a paperback on Lulu.
Now made into an epub: RomanMartyrology.epub
Looking into adding it to Amazon - you might be able to find it with a search - there are a few editions available there.
Embeddable widget
Laura Gibbs of Best Latin commissioned a handy tool called Rotate Content. I've used it to make this widget:
If you would like to embed this script into your webpage:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://roman-martyrology.brandt.id.au/js/rotate.js"></script>